Model living garden

A Rocha Eco-centre’s living garden was created in the floodplain of the Zlatý Potok (Golden Brook), which was devastated by a flood in 1998. Today there is a wetland area with a system of pools with a large amount of aquatic vegetation, an edible forest, flowering meadows, a young arboretum, a fern garden, herb spirals, wild shrubs, two bird hides and various animal dwellings – brush piles for birds or snakes, dry walls, birdhouses and insect hotels.
The garden serves as a place for children to explore nature and for adults to take meditative walks and rest. The headquarters of the eco-centre is in a former mill, built in the time of Empress Maria Theresa and still flowing through the house today.

The garden, with its marked hiking trail, is always open. If you are interested in a guided tour, prior arrangement is necessary.
To note: donations for admission are gladly accepted. Dogs on leash are welcome. Car parking and toilets are available. The site is suitable for families with children and is wheelchair accessible.