We greatly appreciate your interest. If you have decided to support the conservation, education, club work or reconstruction of A Rocha’s eco-center in the Czech Republic, thank you!
A Rocha-Christians in Conservation, o.p.s., IN: 26552388 is a registered charitable company, registered under file number O 394 at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové.
Our bank information is 78-648520287/0100 Komerční banka.
You can also support us by making a payment using the QR code (the default contribution of 100 CZK (about €4/$4/£3,50 is adjustable). THANK YOU!
We really need and appreciate your regular support, even small amounts.
If you pay tax in the Czech Republic, we will issue a tax-deductible donation receipt upon request.
Mgr. Pavel Světlík – Director; info@arocha.cz; +420 775 042 221